Title: Son of Neptune
Author: Rick Riordan
Release Date: 4 October 2011
Genre: Middle-Grade Fantasy
Series: Heroes of Olympus #2
Pages: 513
From the book flap:
Percy is confused. When he awoke from his long sleep, he didn't know much more than his name. His brain fuzz is lingering, even after the wolf Lupa told him he is a demigod and trained him to fight with the pen/sword in his pocket. Somehow Percy manages to make it to a camp for half-bloods, despite the fact that he has to keep killing monsters along the way. But the camp doesn't ring any bells with him. The only thing he can recall from his past is another name: Annabeth.
Hazel is supposed to be dead. When she lived before, she didn't do a very good job of it. Sure, she was an obedient daughter, even when her mother was possessed by greed. But that was the problem- when the Voice took over her mother and commanded Hazel to use her "gift" for an evil purpose, Hazel couldn't say no. Now, because of her mistakes, the future of the world is at risk. Hazel wishes she could ride away from it all on the stallion that appears in her dreams.
Frank is a klutz. His grandmother says he is descended from the heroes and can be anything he wants to be, but he doesn't see it. H doesn't even know who his father is. He keeps hoping Apollo would claim him, because the only thing he is good at is archery- although not good enough to win camp war games. His bulky physique makes him feel like an ox, especially in front of Hazel, his closest friend at camp. He trusts her completely- enough to share the secret he holds close to his heart.
Beginning at the "other" camp for half-bloods and extending as far as the land beyond the gods, this breathtaking second installment in the Heroes of Olympus series introduces new demigods, revives fearsome monsters, and features other remarkable creatures, all destined to play a part in the Prophecy of Seven
When I bought this book from Kinokuniya, I had to resist the urge to jump out in glee right there on the spot. I FINALLY HAVE IT! After one looooong year of waiting diligently. I quickly gobbled it up in 3 hours, savouring every word.
I would say it is hard to not compare this book with the previous series. And I must say, Rick Riordan fared much better with first person POVs.
I LOVED this book, yes, but his first person POVs from the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series blew me off my feet. They immersed me in the book completely. I loved Percy's humor, the way he thinks, and being able to see things through his eyes.
I miss his wicked humor! OY VEY :(
I would prefer it if the characters didn't speak through a third-person's POV, but alternating first person POVs. What distinguished the Percy Jackson series from other bland fantasy books was the flair Mr Riordan had with First person Narrators and of course the unique way of using Greek myths. I can admit that I was a bit put off by the new way he has decided to tell his story.
Other than that, I'm sure EVERYONE wants to know what happens to Percy right? Pretty much the usual actually. Getting almost killed several times, getting into fights, learning new things, pissing off gods-well you know what I mean.
Now Percy has amnesia, of course, and as the reader we know everything Percy does not. That sort of increases the thrill, doesn't it? I say I was surprised to see a certain character from Camp Half-blood in the Roman camp. And yes, I'm not telling! It makes it more delightful when you read that chapter.
So, Percy and his friends Hazel Levesque(I have a friend with the same surname!)and Frank Zhang (hello there, fellow chinese.)(Shouldn't his surname be Teo because his ancestors went to Europe?). They have their own shady secrets that they obviously do not want to divulge, but we get to discover them in the book anyways.
They enter a quest to a cold place in... where's Alaska in anyways? I suck at geography. OKAY so they went to Alaska, did a few in-ter-res-ting things on the way, involving some men in jumpsuits, a nice forest trek, a cool grandmama and some gambling.
On a sidenote- does there seem to be a little more focus on romance in the books now? Well my turtle be damned if that weren't true. And here's a little fun fact: In Bahasa Indonesia, "Lupa" can mean 'forget'.
My favourite camper is Octavian HAHAHAHA I know, how unexpected. C'mon, you gotta love a person who carves up stuffed animals to read its entrails. I, am not being sarcasmus. It's sounds so fun and interesting! (Amusing in the, uh, purest sense of the word) Though that practice seemed a little more Egyptian than Roman to moi. Better start locking up your fluffy teddy bear! Their greatest nightmare, Mr Octavian, is waiting for the opportune moment to carve. them. UP. HAHA I feel the temptation to see if carving toys would work. I have a bone to pick with a certain fluffy yellow duck ......
The ending is an INFURIATING cliffhanger. I am annoyed. My internal cynic screeches marketing ploy! at me. But oh well, sometimes we gotta ignore that voice in your head.
I would prefer if Mr Riordan elaborated on the Roman camp. I would REALLY like to more about the scenery, the setting Percy is in. But alas! Perhaps it shall appear more often in future books.
Perhaps it would be better if there was more time for the book to be released, like one full year for everything to be finished, unlike now, where two separate series are fighting to occupy Rick Riordan's time. But aha, maybe that will be in the near future as we know the Kane books are ending, don't we? Ah I feel like a playground bully, stomping on the Kane series. They're nice too, but not as awesome as Percy Jackson's world, riiiiiiight?
I am so psyched for Mark of Athena! Ten Pineapples says it's not about Annabeth but another Athena camper. I have a feeeeeeeeling.
Favourite quotes:
"I saw it in the auguries." Octavian waved his knife at the pile of stuffing on the later. " The message said: The Greek has arrived. Or possibly: The goose has cried. I'm thinking the first interpretation is correct. You seek to join the legion?"
Percy tried to remember. He really did. For some reason, Annabeth and he had visited a spa and decided to destroy it. He couldn't imagine why. Maybe they hadn't like the deep-tissue massage? Maybe they'd gotten bad manicures?
A tiny dark object came sailing out of the window and landed at the giant's feet. Polybotes yelled, "Grenade!"
He covered his face. His troops hit the ground.
When the thing did not explode, Polybotes bent down cautiously and picked it up.
He roared in outrage. "A Ding Dong? You dare insult me with a Ding Dong?" He threw the cake back at the shop, and it vaporized in the light.
Rick Riordan is an amazing author! All of his books are AWESOME! I have the whole collection from the Percy jackson Series, the Heroes of Olympus Series to the Kane Chronicles! I'm just worried that like Jason likes Piper and he's dating someone at the Roman Camp - (Reyna might be her name because in the book The Lost Hero Jason said that there had definetly a girl name Reyna that he remembered) - Percy might fall for someone at the Roman Camp! But in the Sample Chapter it says that the only person Percy remembers is Annabeth! (Which I find really CUTE!) So, I guess we'll have to wait and see...