The YA Sisterhood is hosting another tourney, this time featuring HEROINES. *hyperventilates*
I love a good heroine. There is such a lack of good heroines these days. They just... lack. But of course not all heroines are flimsy and annoying and there are some I'd just like to get autographs from.
Just for general knowledge, A heroine (taken from the tourney's webby) is a female character who:
- Is admired for her noble qualities
- Meets the world head on
- Can be anyone you admire, for any reason
- Extraordinary in some way or another
- Inspire you, make you want to be better, proves that our world doesn't have to be a man's world etc...
My first three votes(you can vote for up to ten) are for....
1) Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter.
- Because I'm a crazy Potterhead and Ravenclaws are so cool. Loony Luna at the top of them all. Why not Hermione? Because, because, uh, *whispers accusingly*she's not eccentric!
2)Anabeth from Percy Jackson
- Oh man. Anabeth. is. the. best. person. ever. But Harry Potter comes first. Sorry love, you weren't born yet.
APART FROM THAT, Anabeth is smart and she can defend herself scarily well with a knife. Which probably makes her the most dangerous demigod. ever. Look at Artemis Fowl!(even if he is a boy) He's got the brains, but no fighting skills. tsktsk, what a waste.
Anabeth makes reading the PJO series all the funner, especially with her nicknaming Percy "Seaweed brain". She just grew on me. She's a damn awesome heroine, but the details of why are... fuzzy. She's just what she is, a Greek Heroine.
Anabeth makes reading the PJO series all the funner, especially with her nicknaming Percy "Seaweed brain". She just grew on me. She's a damn awesome heroine, but the details of why are... fuzzy. She's just what she is, a Greek Heroine.
3) Rose from Vampire Academy
- Who doesn't love a heroine who can kick ass like Rose can?
Her attitude is charming, and she's so spunky. She is the life of the series. Everyone is so prudey and dull and she comes storming in with her "I am woman, hear me roar!"ness. Oh, how I chortle at her shenanigans.
Fine, I admit, I'm biased.
My votes are biased. Horribly so. Which is sort of the point isn't it? If you like a character, you become biased for that character, that's why you vote for them in the first place, eh? Anyhoo, I love these characters to the death. They are just too awesome! *wipes away tears*
Cross my fingers, Hope they get through the nomination round and win SO I CAN CONTINUE MY BIASEDNESS. hohoho. An outlet!
Who would you vote for? (you know you're a potterhead.)
If you want to vote for your heroine, click on the banner above! It'll bring you to the website and you can vote away! The tourney ends on Thursday, 24 November, so better hurry!
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