Description from Author:
Hanover Falls hasn’t had a werewolf problem in over one hundred years. Seattle, Copenhagen, Osaka–they’ve had plenty of attacks. But when humans begin dying in Claire Benoit’s town, the panic spreads faster than a rumor at a pep rally. At Claire’s sixteenth birthday party, the gruesome killings are all anyone can talk about. But the big news in Claire’s mind is the fact that Matthew Engle–high-school soccer god and son of a world-renowned lycanthropy expert–notices her. And flirts with her. A lot.
That night, Claire learns that she is the latest in a long line of Benoit werewolves, and that contrary to popular belief, all werewolves are female. Killing humans is forbidden by the code of the pack, but a rogue werewolf has been breaking that law, threatening the existence of Claire’s new pack. As the pack struggles to find and fight the rogue werewolf and Claire struggles with her lupine identity, her heart and her loyalties are torn in two. Claire must keep her new life a secret from even her best friend–and especially from Matthew, whose father is leading the werewolf hunt…and with whom Claire is impossibly and undeniably falling head-over-paws in love.
But anyways, I finished the book.
So before starting the book I was feeling all Oh hey, ANOTHER werewolf book. But I was running out of material to read, my other alternative was vampires again and doesn't that make you feel all warm and fuzzy? But I digress.
Claire De Lune is surprisingly refreshing once you finished reading the whole book actually.
I found it rather interesting as all the werewolves were GIRLS. I mean how can you not love that? I liked the fact that Matthew wasn't a jockey jerk, but was a bit upset because Claire does not know how lucky she is to find someone un-ass-y. And their relationship is actually rather amusing to me. It's very I love you, but my mother disapproves of you! and I love you too but my dad thinks your species is an abomination!. Hmmmmm now where did I see that before?
The title of the book was what turned me off in the start. Claire De Lune? Okay I appreciate that you used a nice sounding title, but DEBUSSY'S PIECE IS NOT MEANT FOR YOU TO EXPLOIT! In fact I see no relation between the title and the book. Mention of the suite? No. Mention of a piano? No. Come on, there wasn't even a mention of MUSIC let alone the piece. I'm sure if you asked the author would probably say Oh it's actually just a reference to the french word 'Moon Light'. Debussy? No, it's just gives it a nice ring, that's all!. However, we music peeps take exception to that statement, no matter how fictitious.
The mystery was, oh yum, lovely. I never saw that coming! I mean I suspected a COMPLETELY different person. Now I just feeling like smacking my forehead for suspect said person. I also found it surprising that the world is actually aware of such a thing as werewolves. But yet again, they are under the delusion that werewolves are man-eating creatures that should be penned up and cured. My heart went out to Marie when she was taken. And I was mad at Claire. Why oh why did she have to delay in telling the pack what she knows? She could have helped mommy dearest, silly girl. And she just writes it off because Oh, Lisbeth was in the room. Har de har.
My favorite character was Emily. Her friend is being very unfriendly to her, very distanced, and giving her boyfriend top priority, but she was steadfast in her friendship. Claire really really needs to take good care of her friends. Sure you can't tell her your big bad secret, but you can compromise you know! By, yanno, shaving off a little time with lover boy and have some girl time. She's your best friend you know!

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