Title: Death Bringer
Author: Derek Landy
Release Date: 1 September 2011
Genre: Middle-Grade Fantasy
Series: Skulduggery Pleasant #6
Pages: 603
Goodreads description:
The sixth installment in the historic, hysterical and horrific Skulduggery Pleasant series. Think you've seen anything yet? You haven't. Because the Death Bringer is about to rise!
The Necromancers no longer need Valkyrie to be their Death Bringer, and that's a Good Thing.
There's just one catch. There's a reason the Necromancers don't need her any more. And that's because they've found their Death Bringer already, the person who will dissolve the doors between life and death.
And that's a very, very Bad Thing!
I GOT THE BOOK IN THE MAILBOX TODAY!! Of course I finished it. I sneakily read under the table during school to get more of the page-turning loving. (Though I don't condone it, more especially when your end-of-year exams are coming up.) Plus I have this incessant urge to let out a fangirl-gushing-madness squeal but for fear of sounding uncouth, I restrain myself.
This is by far, the most action packed and thrilling of the series yet. It was every thing I hoped for and more.
On a side note, the name 'Book of Revelations' would really fit this book.So many things are discovered, unearthed. And I loved it. LOVED IT.
Basically, the Necromancers have found their Death-Bringer and don't need Valkyrie anymore! But oh we can't forget about her other personality *cough*Darquesse*cough* can we? Add one more person into the evil mix, Lord Vile. He has come out of his hidey hole and is on a terrible mission.
Lord Vile is the supremely powerful necromancer easily identifiable by his armour, which is the vessel of his Necromanc-y powers. He went on a killing spree in the war years back just for the heck of it, and was under Mevolent(= bad bad side).
He went on hiatus after the war, and nobody could find him. But AHA, he came back! (like they all do.) His mission is to kill the Death Bringer because, uh, he doesn't like her (some advice: don't piss him off). I guess he since he used to be the one the Necromancers thought was the Death Bringer but he didn't want to because he preferred a killing spree to whatever mojo they wanted him to do instead.
So suddenly the Faceless ones don't seem as intimidating anymore. Because look out, evil's in town.
OH this book is filled to the brim with revelations that make the Diablerie seem small. They make catch you by surprise and make you hungry for more. My jaw dropping went overboard with the Oh. my. gosh.es and the Really really really?! s.
It was also the biggest book for Skulduggery. You prefer him to Valkyrie, you will love this book. He has such a huge akasfhsuheskjh role it's incomprehensible.
My favourite character was Gordon. Because he was the same wise-cracking, egotistical, caring uncle who amuses me to no end. Though he didn't make too much of a mention, He made me want an uncle like him. And just a thought- does anyone think Gordon was based on Derek Landy himself? No? No? Well I think he is. Look at Derek Landy's awesome blog, then compare the dialogue with Gordon's. MATCH CONFIRMED. HAHAHAHA Gordon is the best.
My absolute absolute favourite is the Darquesse vs Lord Vile part. Absolute bliss I tell you, I almost peed in my pants when the part came. Though short it may be, I loved how the two most powerful people (with the exception of the Death bringer) were pitted against one another. See them battle it out in true villian style and keep your eyes glued to the page, eating up every word. What made it even more special, is...... well the thing about Lord Vile thingum (if you've read the book you'll know).
Oh China China China. I bet you regret what you did those years back hmm? Well, she got that coming.
The only part I was put down by was the un-appearance of a certain chracter who I like.
Who is it? It starts with a T and ends with a H ! Yes, it'sssssss insert name here because you know who it is! Yeah :( Because Landy said that she would be tortured in every book on his blog and we minions have been patiently waiting for that scene.
On another distracting side note, do you think Valkyrie will have both Elemental and Adept powers when she experiences the surge? I say aye.But ah well, that's for another book eh?
READ THIS BOOK LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT. Though you should probably read previous books in the series to fully understand the story.
Favourite Quotes:
Darquesse stood up, and looked at Lord Vile. "Be honest," she said. "You've been looking forward to this haven't you?"
"You dropped her when we were at the zoo," Valkyrie's mum said.
Valkyrie spun her head to him. "You dropped me?"
"Ah," he said, "I'd forgotten about that. In my defence, though, you were a very wriggly child. One moment you were there, the next you were, you know, on the ground in the penguin enclosure."
She blinked. "You dropped me in the penguin enclosure?"
"I was leaning over the railing and you just plopped out of my grip. You weren't hurt, or anything. And even if you had been, I'm sure the penguins would have taken you in, raised you as one of their own. It would have been a different life for you, but still a good one."
"I can't believe you dropped me."
"Neither could the people around us. Some crazy woman stormed up and roared at me for five minutes about how I shouldn't be putting my child in danger."
"That was me," Valkyrie's mum muttered.
"When you're a bit older, we're going to read you stories about princesses and wizards and magic, and we're going to let you believe, for a few years that some magic is real. And then, this is the sucky bit, we're going to tell you that most magic isn't real. We're going to tell you that people can't fly and they can't turn each other into toads and that there are no magical mysterious monsters."
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